Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gulf War Syndrome

These are a few parts of the article that describe what is being discussed:

"A congressionally mandated scientific panel has concluded that Gulf War syndrome is real and still afflicts nearly one-quarter of the 700,000 U.S. troops who served in the 1991 conflict, according to a report released Monday."

"The report broke with most earlier studies by concluding that two chemical exposures were direct causes of the disorder: the drug pyridostigmine bromide, given to troops to protect against nerve gas, and pesticides that were used -- and often overused -- to protect against sand flies and other pests."

"The report bolstered the hopes of thousands of U.S. and allied veterans who have struggled to have their varied neurological symptoms, including memory loss, concentration problems, rashes and widespread pain...

I found this fascinating that it took about 20 years for the government and scientist from all over to realize the connection between soldiers who fought in this war and their illnesses. This truly is a horrible tragedy for these veteran soldiers. They fought for our country and risked their lives and in return a large amount of them suffer daily with health issues. The government spends 60 million dollars a year on research on how to fix the problems in these men's lives. They are in their 40's and 50's (most of them) so some may question whether it is worth that much money a year just for research alone. One way I look at it is since all this time has passed and they have lived at least 20 years with these illnesses that maybe it would be better to spend money on keeping them as content and comfortable as possible so they can enjoy the rest of their lives. They all have serious damage to their brains that scientist as of now do not know how to fix. Therefor by the time they figure out a cure, (if they ever do), it will most likely be too late because these men will be dead or very old. This Gulf War Syndrome is a very serious and difficult illness for these men to live with everyday.

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